Everyone has a right to safe and clean air, water, and access to greenspaces—but across Southwestern PA, a person’s ZIP code often determines whether they actually have it.
It shouldn’t be this way.
As Democratic Chair of the PA House Health Committee and member of the bipartisan Blue-Green Caucus, I know we can’t pit our economic goals against a citizen’s health and well-being.
Relying on oil, coal, and natural gas for Pennsylvania’s energy needs is an unsustainable path for our people and planet. The role of the General Assembly should be to invest in green energy solutions while we effectively tax and regulate polluters. I always have and always will oppose giveaways and incentives that exclusively benefit the fossil fuel industry.
Fracking Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is a method of extracting natural oil and gas that involves injecting water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure under the earth’s surface. This is an involved and risky process, and one that PA needs to lessen our reliance on. Some of the legislation I’ve introduced and/or supported that relates to fracking includes:
These policies would not just benefit the environment. They would also protect our health and help position Pennsylvania as a leader in the new economy. If we are going to thrive, we have to make sure that our residents know that their state government will prioritizing their help and safety over the fossil fuel industry.
That’s why I:
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Since 1999, Rep. Dan Frankel has served Pennsylvania’s 23rd district, which includes the neighborhoods of Squirrel Hill, Oakland, Point Breeze, Regent Square, Greenfield, and Shadyside.
© Copyright 2022 – Rep. Dan Frankel